Turtles (Order Testudines)
Welcome to our Turtle Guide! Turtles are very unique reptiles, that really are not too closely related to the others. There are 23 turtle species that are native to Virginia.
Frequency Rating: Ratings are based on how common each species is across their range within Virginia. Some common species may be incredibly abundant within their small range, while some may be common in most of their range but rare in a small portion of their range. Some rarer species may be abundant in pockets of their range, but are overall rare.
Common = C Uncommon = U Rare = R Incredibly Rare = I
Frequency Rating: Ratings are based on how common each species is across their range within Virginia. Some common species may be incredibly abundant within their small range, while some may be common in most of their range but rare in a small portion of their range. Some rarer species may be abundant in pockets of their range, but are overall rare.
Common = C Uncommon = U Rare = R Incredibly Rare = I
Softshells (Family Trionychidae)
Spiny Softshell (Apalone spinifera) U
Tortoises (Family Testudinidae)
Afghan Tortoise (Testudo horsfieldii) Exotic Transplant
Emydine Turtles (Subfamily Emydinae)
Common Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina) C
Bog Turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) I
Wood Turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) R
Deirochelyine Turtles (Subfamily Deirochelyinae)
Northern Map Turtle (Graptemys geographica) C
False Map Turtle (Graptemys pseudogeographica) Exotic Transplant
Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) U
Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata) R
Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) C
© Ty Smith
Pond Slider (Trachemys scripta) C
River Cooter (Pseudemys concinna) C
Coastal Plain Cooter (Pseudemys floridana) C
© Stephen Davies
Northern Red-bellied Cooter (Pseudemys rubriventris) U
© Ty Smith
Chicken Turtle (Deirochelys reticularia) I
© Grover Brown
American Mud and Musk Turtles (Family Kinosternidae)
Eastern Mud Turtle (Kinosternon subrubrum) U
© Ty Smith
Striped Mud Turtle (Kinosternon baurii) U
Common Musk Turtle (Sternotherous odoratus) C
© Ty Smith
Stripe-necked Musk Turtle (Sternotherus peltifer) U
Snapping Turtles (Family Chelydridae)
Common Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina) C
© Ty Smith